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Die eifersucht

Eifersucht : German » English

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Verdis besondere Stärke besteht unter anderem darin, wie direkt er die menschliche Seele anspricht. Die Evolution könnte eine weitaus geringere Rolle spielen als bisher angenommen.

Legerstee: Handbook of jealousy: Theory, research, and multidisciplinary approaches. Doch das einst so klare Bild verschwimmt mittlerweile. Wenn man Verdi singt oder spielt, dann bringt man Variationen auf die ewige Melodie der menschlichen Seele zu Gehör — Liebe, Leidenschaft, tiefe Trauer, Eifersucht, Hass, alle diese grundlegenden menschlichen Emotionen zeigt Verdi in seiner Musik.

eifersucht - Im Fall von Eifersucht empfindet der Betroffene mangelnde Wertschätzung durch eine konkrete Person, Neid hingegen entzündet sich an den eigenen Wertvorstellungen oder denjenigen, die der Betroffene in eine soziale Gruppe bzw. Wie viele dieser Straftaten es in Deutschland gibt, ist nicht bekannt.

Autor: In fast jeder Beziehung blitzt hin und wieder Eifersucht auf. Bei manchen Menschen entwickelt sich daraus jedoch eine zerstörerische Kraft. Während Forscher allmählich den Ursprung des Argwohns verstehen, versuchen Ärzte, Betroffenen zu helfen. Fachleute sprechen von Intimiziden, wenn Menschen ihren Intimpartner umbringen. Der häufigste Grund dafür ist Eifersucht. Wie viele dieser Straftaten es in Deutschland gibt, ist nicht bekannt. Im Jahr 2011 wurden 552 Frauen von ihrem Ehemann ermordet und 474 von ihrem Freund. Die größte Gefahr für eine erwachsene Frau, ermordet zu werden, geht demnach von ihrem Ehemann oder einem Sexualpartner aus. Männer reagieren im Rausch der Eifersucht häufiger aggressiv und gewalttätig. Doch auch den umgekehrten Fall gibt es. Relativ gesehen, ist das Motiv bei weiblichen Mördern jedoch weitaus häufiger als bei männlichen. Wir reagieren eifersüchtig, wenn der eigene Status gefährdet ist und man einen geliebten Menschen verlieren könnte. Hinter diesen extremen Formen der Eifersucht kann ein vermindertes Selbstbewusstsein oder eine Alkoholsucht stecken, aber auch eine Depression, eine Psychose oder eine hirnorganische Störung wie die Alzheimer-Demenz. Ein Telefongespräch, für das er aus dem Zimmer geht, seine Hand, die wie zufällig den Unterarm der anderen berührt und dieses Lächeln, das doch mehr als Freundlichkeit zeigt. Es braucht manchmal nicht viel, und der Stachel der Eifersucht bohrt sich in das verletzte Herz. Häufig kommt sie nur die eifersucht einen kurzen Augenblick. Ein vergifteter Gedanke schleicht sich ein, bis wir ihn wieder aus unserem Kopf vertreiben. Manchmal jedoch wächst mit jeder neuen Beobachtung der Verdacht, und der Stachel dringt tiefer. Sie ist der Stoff, aus dem Dramen gestrickt sind. Unzählige Tragödien, Filme und Lieder gründen auf ihr. Heute weiß man, dass ein Anflug von Eifersucht hin und wieder ganz normal ist. Einer Beziehung kann das sogar gut tun. Die Angst davor, den geliebten Menschen zu verlieren, zeigt dem Partner, wie wichtig er für den anderen ist. Doch es geht auch um uns selbst: Das Bild, das wir von uns haben, wird geprägt von den Beziehungen, die wir führen. Drohen sie zu zerbrechen, verletzt das häufig unser Selbstbild. Vor allem Menschen mit einem geringen Selbstwertgefühl, mit ungünstigen Beziehungserfahrungen in der Vergangenheit oder einem unsicheren Bindungsstil verdächtigen oft ohne wirklichen Anlass ihren Partner. Misstrauische Eifersucht nennen Experten das. Im Gegensatz dazu gründet sich die reaktive Eifersucht auf Tatsachen. Gemeinsam sind beiden die Emotionen, die Eifersucht heraufbeschwören und die von Unsicherheit, Angst und Trauer bis hin zu blanker Wut reichen können. Gefühle wie diese entwickeln sich früh. Schon kleine Kinder von wenigen Monaten reagieren eifersüchtig, wenn das Geschwisterchen bevorzugt wird. Sybil Hart von der Technischen Universität Texas und ihre Kollegen beobachteten Kinder, während ihre Mutter mit einer Puppe spielte, die einem Kind sehr ähnelte. Mit sechs Monaten zeigten sich in den Gesichtern der Kleinen deutliche Anflüge von Missmut. Beschäftigte sich ihre Die eifersucht dagegen mit einem Spielzeug, ließ sie das ziemlich kalt. Der kindliche Argwohn könnte einen evolutionären Hintergrund haben. Kümmert sich die Mutter zu wenig, ist das eigene Überleben gefährdet. Ein anderes Kind kann so zur Bedrohung werden. Spielt Darwin auch bei ihren Eifersüchteleien eine Rolle. Einige Wissenschaftler sind davon überzeugt. Ihren Studien zufolge entwickeln Frauen schon Verlustängste, wenn der Mann nur an eine andere denkt. Er reagiert vor allem dann eifersüchtig, wenn sie mit einem anderen ins Bett geht. Für die Forscher zeugt dieser Geschlechterunterschied von einem evolutionären Schutzmechanismus. Die Eifersucht des Mannes gründet sich vor allem auf die Angst vor Kuckuckskindern. Bleibt ihm die Frau sexuell treu, kann er sicher sein, dass die Kinder, für die er sorgt, auch mit seinen ausgestattet sind. Die Frau die eifersucht sich ihrer Kinder sicher, jedoch nicht ihres Mannes, der zum Seitensprung neigt, weil er sein Erbgut weit streuen will. Die Frau will jedoch einen Mann, der ihr und dem Nachwuchs beisteht und als Versorger erhalten bleibt. Denn es braucht viele Jahre, die eigenen Kinder großzuziehen. Die ersten Untersuchungen dazu stammen von David Buss, Psychologe von der Universität Texas. Doch das einst so klare Bild verschwimmt mittlerweile. Dass Eifersucht sich nicht ohne Probleme von der Steinzeit die eifersucht das 21. Jahrhundert übertragen lässt, stellten beispielsweise die Forscher Kenneth Levy und Kristen Kelly fest, als sie hunderte Männer und Frauen befragten. Ihr Fazit: Es gibt auch viele Männer, die eine emotionale Untreue als ähnlich schmerzlich empfinden wie einen sexuellen Ausreißer — oder sogar als schmerzlicher. Der entscheidende Faktor scheint die Qualität der Beziehung zu sein. Fühlen sie sich stark verbunden, reagieren Menschen eifersüchtig, wenn sich ihr Partner emotional von ihnen entfernt. Die Psychologen gehen davon aus, dass der Entstehung von Eifersucht auch kulturelle und soziale Mechanismen zugrunde liegen. Die Evolution könnte eine weitaus geringere Rolle spielen als bisher angenommen. Während manche Ribonukleinsäuren selbst wichtige Funktionen in der Zelle ausführen, geben andere die Reihenfolge vor, in der die Zelle einzelne Aminosäuren zu einem bestimmten Protein zusammenbauen soll. Das Gen liefert also den Code für dieses Protein. Emotionen entstehen im limbischen System, einem stammesgeschichtlich alten Teil des Gehirns. Der Psychologe Paul Ekman hat sechs kulturübergreifende Basisemotionen definiert, die sich in charakteristischen Gesichtsausdrücken widerspiegeln: Freude, Ärger, Angst, Überraschung, Trauer und Ekel. Für einige Menschen bleibt es nicht bei einer sozial verträglichen Form der Eifersucht. Verselbstständigt sich der Argwohn, kann er Beziehungen zerstören und den Alltag mit Zweifeln vergiften. Männer durchsuchen die Handtaschen ihrer Frauen nach Beweisen für ihren Verdacht. Frauen folgen ihren Männern zum angeblichen Pokerabend. Was lässt Menschen so sehr an ihrem Partner zweifeln. Suchterkrankungen, etwa Alkoholismus, Depressionen, Angststörungen und Psychosen können einen Menschen extrem eifersüchtig werden lassen. Aber auch eine gestörte Kommunikation in der Beziehung oder ein gemindertes Selbstwertgefühl können das Misstrauen ins Krankhafte steigern. Männer mit Potenzproblemen haben manchmal Angst, ihrer Frau nicht mehr zu genügen. Auch große Altersunterschiede können diese die eifersucht Unsicherheit auslösen, die Eifersucht heraufbeschwört. Am Ende steht der Wahn. Gegenargumente werden nicht zugelassen, selbst wenn ihre Anschuldigen absurd sind. Als Alois Alzheimer im Jahr 1901 auf Auguste D. Auch manche Parkinsonpatienten oder Unfallopfer, deren Gehirn geschädigt wurde, entwickeln die wahnhafte Vorstellung, dass sie hintergangen werden. Den Schlüssel zur Eifersucht vermuten Wissenschaftler daher genau hier: in unseren Köpfen. Zeigen die Versuchspersonen Anzeichen von Eifersucht, sehen die Wissenschaftler häufig Aktivitäten in visuellen Bereichen und im limbischen System, das an der Verarbeitung die eifersucht Emotionen, Gelerntem und Erinnerungen beteiligt ist. Aber auch kognitive Teile des Gehirns — Areale, mit denen wir grübeln — leuchten auf. Das gleiche gilt für die Insula, die mitspielt bei der Verarbeitung von Gerüchen, bei oder der Bewertung von Schmerz. Wenn der Stachel der Eifersucht in das Herz bohrt, feuern ihre los. Wird aus Eifersucht eine Obsession, könnte nach Ergebnissen von noch ein anderer Teil des Gehirn beteiligt sein: der ventromediale präfrontale Cortex, er gehört zum vorderen Bereich des Gehirns. Auch hier werden verarbeitet wie auch Reflexionen über sich und andere. Heute versteht man unter Empathie das Vermögen, sich in andere hineinzuversetzen und deren Gefühle, Gedanken und Handlungsweisen nachzuvollziehen. Die physiologische Basis dafür sehen viele Neurowissenschaftler in den Spiegelneuronen: Nervenzellen, die beim Beobachten einer Handlung ebenso aktiv sind wie bei deren Ausführung. Auch Medikamente, die in den Hirnstoffwechsel eingreifen, kommen zum Einsatz. Denn bei den Störungen, die Eifersucht auslösen, sind meist beteiligt. In Untersuchungen konnten Forscher die Symptome ihrer Patienten lindern, indem sie ihnen Die eifersucht verabreichten, die eine Wiederaufnahme von in die hemmten. Auch an der Innsbrucker Klinik haben mittlerweile über 900 Menschen nach Wegen gesucht, ihre Eifersucht in den Griff zu bekommen. A Contribution From Attachment Theory. Psychological Science, 2010 Feb;21 2 :168 — 73. Violence and Victims 1997 Winter; 12 4 :345 — 362.

Am Anfang war die Eifersucht HD
Warum die Eifersucht los werden wollen? The story is a typical misunderstanding in a relationship. Ihr Fazit: Es gibt auch viele Männer, die eine emotionale Untreue als ähnlich schmerzlich empfinden wie einen sexuellen Ausreißer — oder sogar als schmerzlicher. Jahrhundert übertragen lässt, stellten beispielsweise die Forscher Kenneth Levy und Kristen Kelly fest, als sie hunderte Männer und Frauen befragten. Eifersucht, etwas Wunderbares zwischen liebenden Menschen! Diese Links sind mit dem Amazon-Partnerprogramm verbunden. A vindictive husband, an insistent chief inspector, a farsighted priest and a proud wife entrap Brand in a maelstrom of persecution, destruction and obliteration which can only end in life or death. Gemeinsam sind beiden die Emotionen, die Eifersucht heraufbeschwören und die von Unsicherheit, Angst und Trauer bis hin zu blanker Wut reichen können. Männer mit Potenzproblemen haben manchmal Angst, ihrer Frau nicht mehr zu genügen. Ich schreibe über allerlei Unnützes, nicht immer gut, aber dafür selten. Männer reagieren im Rausch der Eifersucht häufiger aggressiv und gewalttätig.

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Ich habe angst vor sex

Ganz schreckliche Angst vor Sex..

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Nach d Mein Name ist Janett Menzel. Weder über dieses vermeintliche Übel, noch dass es dich weiter.

Ich würde ihm gerne mehr geben als ich tu, aber da ist diese Angst und der Ekel. Dränge dich nicht selbst dazu, zu schnell zu viel zu wagen.

Erstes Mal: Wir erklären Dir alles! - Ich drück Dir aber ganz doll die Daumen, da Du noch so jung bist, dass sich doch noch alles zum Guten wendet. Die Geschichte ist wahr, nur zog ich auf seine Couch — und wir verbrachten wundervolle Nächte, allerdings mit ihm und seinem schwulen Partner.

Man könnte sagen, ich bin der gelenkigste Loser der Stadt. Ich mache täglich Kung-Fu, schaffe problemlos den Spagat und wäre auch ein Wunder an Beweglichkeit im Bett. Denn ich habe zurzeit keinen Sex. Schon seit einem Jahr nicht, um genau zu sein. Und fast bei jeder Frau, die ich sexy finde, frage ich mich, ob ich die Barriere jemals wieder überspringen kann. Barriere oder Blockade oder schlichtweg Angst, sicher ist nur, dass das Problem mit Lisa in mein Leben kam. Einen gewissen Leistungsstress hat jeder Mann. Schließlich schläft man beim Sex mit einer Frau unterschwellig auch gegen alle Männer an, die sie zuvor hatte. Man will der sein, der sie am tiefsten berührt. Das liegt in unserer Natur und sorgt natürlich für einen selbst gemachten Druck, der sich aber in den Griff ich habe angst vor sex lässt. Dachte ich jedenfalls, bis ich Lisa traf. Mit ihr gerieten die Dinge völlig außer Kontrolle. Wir lernten uns auf einer Party kennen, verbrachten den ganzen Abend miteinander, während der Mann, mit dem sie seit 15 Jahren zusammen war, entspannt bei anderen saß. Wir verabredeten uns in einem Café. In einer dunklen Ecke sprachen wir gerade über Lieblingsfarben, als sie plötzlich ihren Fuß über meinen legte. Dass Frauen die Intitiative ergreifen, ist mir schon einige Male passiert. Schätze, es liegt daran, dass ich nicht der klassische Aufreißer bin, sondern — bedingt durch eine gewisse Schüchternheit — eher einen einladenden Freiraum erzeuge.

was ich gern über S*X beim ersten Mal gewusst hätte...
Tut das Erste Mal immer weh? Habe Angst keine Erektion aufgrund des Traumas mehr zu bekommen, etc. Sie wünschen sich einen Mann, der in der Lage ist, sie und ihren Nachwuchs zu beschützen. Hallo Sarah, bei so schweren Verletzungen bei einer Vergewaltigung müsste man schon einmal an eine Traumatherapie machen falls das noch nicht geschehen ist! Ich begründe diese Angst bei mir selbst auch aus den Erlebnissen,die ich bis jetzt gemacht habe und ich muss sagen,die besten waren es leider bis jetzt nicht. Wüssten Frauen wie du Angst ihre eigene und die ihres Partners zu verstehen, würden sie sich weniger hilf- und wehrlos fühlen, wären selbstwirksam und vertrauensvoll. Dachte ich jedenfalls, bis ich Lisa traf. Geb Dir selbst die Zeit die Du brauchst.

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Id check

ID Book

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Gibraltar requires all residents to hold identity cards, which are issued free. On the back, permanent address, administrative unit, date of issue, , and a code with key information in a. Your card must be original.

The National Health Insurance Card is issued to all citizens age 12 and above. Until 2004, the national debit card contained a photo of the holder and was widely accepted as an identity card. All persons aged 16 and above must be able to produce valid legal government identification documents when requested by legal authorities, otherwise, they may be held in detention to investigate his or her identity and legal right to be in Hong Kong. Most countries accept as a form of identification.

ID Check - By continuing and accessing the Department of Driver Services network, you are consenting to having your interaction with and use of Department of Driver Services Internet resources monitored, audited, retrieved and copied. Learn if a vehicle has been reported in an accident, branded a lemon, damaged in a flood, reported repossed or stolen, and more.

This article may be to read and navigate comfortably. Please consider content into sub-articles, it, or adding or removing. Some countries issue formal identity documents, as cards which may be orwhile others may require identity verification using or informal documents. When the identity document incorporates a person's photograph, it may be called. In the absence of a formal identity document, a may be accepted in many countries for identity verification. Some countries do not accept driver's licenses for identification, often because in those countries they do not expire as documents and can be old or easily forged. Most countries accept as a form of identification. Some countries require all people to have an identity document available at any time. Many countries require all foreigners id check have a passport or occasionally a national identity card from their country available at any time if they do not have a residence permit in the country. The identity document is used to connect a person to information about the person, often in a. The photo and the possession of it is used to connect the person with the document. The connection between the identity document and information database is based on personal information present on the document, such as the bearer'sage, an identification number, card number, gender, and more. A unique is the most secure way, but some countries lack such numbers or don't write them on identity documents. For the next 500 years and beforemost people did not have or need an identity document. Both Australia and Great Britain, for example, introduced the requirement for a photographic passport in 1915 after the so-called. The shape and size of identity cards were standardized in 1985 by. Some modern identity documents are including a difficult-to-forge embedded integrated circuit that were standardized in 1988 by. New allow identity cards to contain information, such as a ;, or measurements; or. In countries that don't have a national identity card, there is, however, concern about the projected large costs and potential abuse of high-tech smartcards. In many countries - especially English-speaking countries such as, theand the - there are no government-issued compulsory identity cards for all citizens. There is debate in these countries about whether such cards and their centralised database constitute an infringement of and. Most criticism is directed towards the enhanced possibilities of extensive abuse of centralised and comprehensive databases storing sensitive data. None of the countries listed above mandate possession of identity documents, but they have de facto equivalents since these countries still require proof of identity in many situations. Even for non-state commercial and private interactions, this may shortly become the preferredrendering a state-issued identity card a lesser evil than the potentially extensive privacy risks associated with everyday use of a person's for identification purposes. This forced the government to start issuing national cards. It is also harder to control information usage by private companies, such as when credit card issuers or social media companies map purchase behaviour in order to assist ad targeting. The management of disparate linked systems across a range of institutions and any number of personnel is alleged to be a security disaster in the making. In some countries see belowit is compulsory to have an identity card when a person reaches a prescribed age. The penalty for non-possession is id check a fine, but in id check cases it may result in until identity is established. For people suspected with crimes such as shoplifting or no bus ticket, non-possession might result in such detention, also in countries not formally requiring identity cards. In practice, random checks are rare, except in certain times. A number of countries do not have national identity cards. These include, the ,see belowsee below, the,, the and. Other identity documents such as passports or driver's licenses are then used as identity documents when needed. However, governments of Kiribati, Norway, Samoa and Uzbekistan are planning to introduce new national identity cards in the near future. Denmark, have more simple official identity cards, which do not match the security and level of acceptance of a national identity card, used by people without driver's licenses. A number of countries have voluntary identity card schemes. The 's was scrapped in January 2011 and the database was destroyed. On the other hand, states issue optional identity cards for id check who do not hold a driver's license as an alternate means of identification. These cards are issued by the same organization responsible for driver's licenses, usually called the. Note, this is not an obligatory identification card for citizens. For the ofpre-1975 Spanish identity cards are the main proof that they were Saharawi citizens as opposed to recent. They would id check be allowed to vote in an eventual. In andanyone working with children has to take a and get issued a or Working with Children Card, respectively. Id check bill has created controversy amid civil society organizations. In July 2009, a new Identity card was introduced. The biometric National Identity card is one of the acceptable documents required to apply for a Gambian Driving Id check. The National Identity Card is one of the few accepted forms of identification, along with passports. A National Identity Card is needed to apply for a passport for all adults, and all minors must take with them the National Identity Card of a parent s when applying for a passport. The proposed kick off date is yet to be determined. The South African identity document is not valid as a travel document or valid for use outside South Africa. The cards were launched on 18 July 2013 when a number of dignitaries received the first cards at a ceremony in Pretoria. The South African government is looking into possibly using this smart card not just as an identification card but also for licences,and social grants. Zimbabwean citizens are issued with a plastic card which contains a photograph and their particulars onto it. Along with Driving Licences, the National Registration Card including the old metal id check is universally accepted as proof of identity in Zimbabwe. Zimbabweans are required by law to carry identification on them at all times and visitors to Zimbabwe are expected to carry their passport with them at all times. All Bangladeshis who are 18 years of age and older are included in a central Biometric Database, which is used by the Bangladesh to oversee the electoral procedure in Bangladesh. The card is the only acceptable legal document to obtain employment, a residence permit, driving licence or passport and to open bank accounts or apply for entry to tertiary education id check technical colleges. According toall permanent residents are eligible to obtain the Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card which states that the holder has the. All persons aged 16 and above must carry a valid legal government identification document in public. All persons aged 16 and above must be able to produce valid legal government identification documents when requested by legal authorities, otherwise, they may be held in detention to investigate his or her identity and legal right to be in Hong Kong. The card contains a photograph, full name, date of birth and a unique, randomly generated 12-digit. However, the card itself is rarely required as proof; the number or a copy of the card being sufficient. In addition to Aadhaar, cards,Voter Cards and driving licences are also used. These may be issued by either id check Government of India or the Government of any state, and are valid throughout the nation. The Indian Passport may also be used. The card will identifies whether the holder is an or. In other pages of the Shenasnameh, their marriage status, spouse s name snames of children, date of every vote cast and eventually their death would be recorded. Every Iranian permanent resident above the age of 15 must hold a id check :کارت ملی or at least obtain their unique National Number from any of the local Vital Records branches of the Iranian. The card is designed in a bilingual form, printed in andhowever, the personal data is presented in Hebrew by default and may be presented in Arabic as well if the owner decides so. The card must be presented to an official on duty e. Until the mid-1990s, the identification card was considered the only legally reliable document for many actions id check as voting or opening a bank account. Since then, the new Israeli driver's licenses which include photos and extra personal information are now considered equally reliable for most of these transactions. In February 2014, a presidential decision issued by Palestinian president to abolish the religion field was announced. The decision was criticized by officials insaying it is unconstitutional and will not be implemented in Gaza because it undermines the Palestinian cause. When necessary, official documents, such as one'sbasic resident registration card, radio operator license, social insurance card, health insurance card or passport are generally used and accepted. On the other hand, mid- to long term foreign residents are required to carry theirwhile short term visitors and tourists those with a Temporary Visitor status sticker in their passport are required to carry their. Introduced by the National Registration Department of Malaysia on 5 September 2001 as one of four flagship applications and a replacement for the High Quality Identity Card Kad Pengenalan Bermutu TinggiMalaysia became the first country in the world to use an identification card that incorporates both photo identification and data on an in-built computer chip embedded in a piece of plastic. The card is necessary not only for procedures of state but also in the day-to-day transactions of registering for a mobile phone line, obtaining certain discounts at stores, and logging on to certain websites on the internet. Schools frequently use it to identify students, both on-line and in exams. A hologram technology is applied for the purpose of hampering forgery. This card has no additional features used to identify the holder except comparing the photo and a holder's face. The Registration of Persons Act No. The first two digits of the number are your year of birth e. The final letter is generally a 'V' or 'X'. The Identification Card is used for virtually all activities that require identity verification within Taiwan such as opening bank accounts, renting apartments, and voting. The Identification Card contains the holder's photo, and date of birth. The back of the card also contains the person's registered address where official correspondence is sent, place of birth, and the name of legal ascendant s and spouse if any. The card proves the holder's identity for receiving government services and other entitlements. For individuals of 15 years and above, fingerprint biometrics 10 fingerprints, palm, and writer are captured in the registration process. The Identity Card is a smart card that has a state-of-art technology in the smart cards field with very high security features which make it difficult to duplicate. For foreigners residing in Belgium similar cards foreigner's cards, vreemdelingenkaart in Dutch, carte pour étrangers in French are issued, although they may also carry a passport, a work permit or a id check residence permit. Since 2000, all newly issued Belgian identity cards have a chipand roll-out of these cards is expected to be complete in the course of 2009. All persons over the age of 18 must have an Identity Card and carry it at all times. Refusal to carry or produce an Identity Card to a police officer can lead to a fine of 100 or more and detention until the individual's identity can be verified by fingerprints. It is a valid travel document for the entire European Union. Danish citizens are not required by law to carry an identity card. A traditional identity document without photothe personal identification number certificate Danish: Personnummerbevis is of little use in Danish society, as it has been largely replaced by the much more versatile National Health Insurance Card Danish: Sundhedskortet which contains the same information and more. The National Health Insurance Card is issued to all citizens age 12 and above. It is commonly referred to as an identity card despite the fact it has no photo of the holder. Both certificates retrieve their id check from the Civil Registration System. However, the personnummerbevis is still issued today and has been since September 1968. Danish driver's licenses and passports are the only identity cards issued by the government id check both the and a photo. A foreign citizen without driving skills living in Denmark can not get such documents. Foreign driving licenses and passports are accepted with limitations. A foreigner living in Denmark will have a residence permit with their and a photo. Until 2004, the national debit card contained a photo of the holder and was widely accepted as an identity card. The Danish banks lobbied successfully to have pictures removed from the national debit cards and so since 2004 the Dankort has no longer contained id check photo. Hence it is rarely accepted for identification. The card's id check stores aallowing users to cryptographically sign digital documents based on principles of using. Under Estonian law, since 15 December 2000 the cryptographic signature is legally equivalent to a manual. The Estonian identity card is also used for authentication in Estonia's ambitious programme. In February 2007, Estonia was the first country in the world to institute electronic voting for id check elections. Over 30 000 voters participated in the country's first e-election. By 2014, at the European Parliament elections, the number of e-voters has increased to more than 100,000 comprising 31% of the total votes cast. This, along with the passport, is one of two official identity documents. Driving licenses and social security cards with a photo are also widely used for general identification purposes even though they are not officially recognized as such. However, a citizen is not required to carry any of these. Compulsory identity documents were created before, for workers from 1803 to 1890, nomads in 1912, and foreigners in 1917 during World War I. National identity cards were first issued as the carte d'identité Française under the law of October 27, 1940, and were compulsory for everyone over the age of 16. Identity cards were valid for 10 years, had to be updated within a year in case of change of residence, and their renewal required paying a fee. Under thein addition to the face photograph, the family name, first names, date and place of birth, the card included the national identity number managed by the national statisticswhich is also used as the national service registration number, as the Social Security account number for health and retirement benefits, for access to court files and for tax purposes. The decision to accept other documents, with or without the bearer's photograph, like aa or ais left to the discretion of the law enforcement officer. Due to possibledriver's licenses are sometimes refused. The current identification cards are now issued free of charge and optional, and are valid for ten years for minors, and fifteen for adults. The current government has proposed a compulsory biometric card system, which has been opposed by human rights groups and by the national authority and regulator on computing systems and databases, the Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés. Another non-compulsory project is being discussed. It is compulsory for all citizens aged 16 or older to possess either a Personalausweis identity card or a passport id check not to carry one. Police officers and other officials have a right to demand to see one of those documents ; however the law does not state that one is obliged to submit the document at that very moment. But asalthough sometimes accepted, are not legally accepted forms of identification in Germany, people usually choose to carry their Personalausweis with them. The cards have a photograph and a chip with biometric data, including, optionally, fingerprints. There were different colours for British and non-British residents. Gibraltar requires all residents to hold identity cards, which are issued free. There are also two optional fields designed to facilitate emergency medical care: and. Since 2000, name fields have been filled in both and characters. All the above functions can be fulfilled also with a valid Greek passport e. The third type is a plastic card with the photo and the signature of the holder digitally reproduced. These are generally called Personal Identity Card. It does not have any information about the owner's residential address, nor their personal identity number — this sensitive information is contained on a separate card, called a Residency Card Lakcímkártya. They are no longer used as a personal identification number, but as a statistical signature. Other valid documents are the passport blue colored or red colored with chip and the ; an individual is required to have at least one of them on hand all the time. The Personal Identity Card is mandatory to vote in state elections or open a bank account in the country. Most people use driver's licences instead. Identity documents are not mandatory to carry by law unless driving a carbut can be needed for bank services, age verification and other situations. Identity documentation is optional for Irish and British citizens. Nevertheless, identification is mandatory to obtain certain services such as air travel, banking, interactions regarding welfare and public services, age verification and additional situations. Ireland has issued optional since October 2015. The cards are the size of id check credit card and have all the information from the biographical page of an Irish passport booklet and can be explicitly used for travel in the. They have photos but not birth dates and are therefore not accepted by banks. id check People are generally compelled to carry such a card. The card lasts ten years and is a valid document to leave the country when travelling to another country. It is not compulsory to carry the card itself, as the authorities only have the right to ask for the identity of a person, not for a specific document. A field for fingerprints has been present for a long time at the bottom of the third page, but is rarely if ever used. Also, physical features are normally not measured rigorously, but are just verbally asked to the applicant such as height or quickly ascertained by administrative personnel on the spot, with no checks for hair dying or cosmetic lenses. Removable pouches are often employed to limit damage, but the odd size of the card about 1 cm larger than a plastic credit card in both directions makes it difficult to store it easily in a wallet. These common criticism were considered in the development of thewhich is in the more common credit-card format. Furthermore, identity documents are required when opening bank accounts and upon start of work for a new employer. But there are rules requiring it for services like banking, air travel and voting where personal recognition or other identification methods have not been possible. The plan started in 2007 and has been delayed several times and is now expected in 2020. They are id check required to carry with them always but are obligated to present them to the lawful authorities if requested. The old format of the cards yellow laminated paper document featured a portrait of the bearer, their fingerprint, and the name of parent samong other information. The back will list the numbers under which the holder is registered with the different bodies whose cards the Citizen's Card combines and replaces. The back will also contain an optical reader and the chip. The chip may also hold the same information as the physical card itself, together with other data such as the holder's address. It has to be renewed every 10 years. Its validity extends for up to 1 year. Other forms of officially accepted identification include the and the birth certificate. A valid passport may also be accepted, but usually only for foreigners. Doing otherwise can expose the citizen to certain fines or be denied service by those institutions that require a valid, up to date Card. It is issued to citizens of the Slovak Republic who are 15 or older. If one fails to comply, law enforcement officers are allowed to insist on personal identification at the police station. On the back, permanent address, administrative unit, date of issue,and a code with key information in a. Depending on the holders age and sometimes also other factorsthe card had a validity of 5 years or 10 years, and 1 year for foreigners living in Slovenia. It is issued by the National Police formerly bank-card format paper encapsulated in plastic. The chip contains most of the personal information printed on the card and a digitized version of the bearer's face, signature and fingerprints. On the front there is a photograph, the name and surname seethe bearer's signature, an id number, the issue date and the expiry date. On the reverse appears the date and place of birth, the gender, legal ascendant s name and the current address. At the bottom there is key information in a. Depending on holder's age, the card has a validity of 5 years, 10 years or indefinite for the elderly. The letters I, Ñ, O and U are not used and the sequence is as follows: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 id check 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 T R W A G M Y F P D X B N J Z S Q V H L C K E This number is the same for tax, social security and all legal purposes. Without this number or a foreign equivalent such as a passport number a contract may not be enforceable. It is used in all public and private transactions. It is required to open a bank account, to sign a contract, to have state insurance and to register at a university and should be shown when being fined by a police officer. The card also constitutes a valid within the. Non-resident citizens of countries such as the United Kingdom, where passport numbers are not fixed for the holder's life but change with renewal, may experience difficulty with legal transactions after the document is renewed since the old number is no longer verifiable on a valid foreign passport. These include but are not limited to banking and age verification. Also interactions with public authorities often require it, in spite of the fact that there is no law explicitly requiring it, because there are laws requiring authorities to somehow verify people's identity. Without Swedish identity documents difficulties can occur accessing health care services, receiving prescription medications and getting salaries or grants. Identity cards have therefore become an important part of everyday life. The tax office Skatteverketthe Police and the. The tax office cards can only be used within Sweden to validate a persons identity, but they can be obtained both by Swedish citizens and those that currently reside in Sweden. It is possible to get one without having any Swedish id-card. In this case a person holding such a card must guarantee the identity, and the person must be a verifiable relative or the boss at the company the person has been working or a few other verifiable people. The Police can only issue identity id check to Swedish citizens. The Transport board issues which are valid as identity documents in Sweden. To obtain one, one must be approved as a driver and strictly have another Swedish identity document as proof of identity. In the past there have been certain groups that have experienced problems obtaining valid identification documents. This was due to the initial process that was required to validate one's identity, unregulated security requirements by the commercial companies which issued them. Since July 2009, the tax id check has begun to issue identity cards and this has simplified the identity validation process for foreign passport holders. Still there are requirements for the identity validation that can cause trouble especially for foreign citizens but the list of people who can validate one's identity has been extended. Furthermore, identity documents are required when opening a bank account or when dealing with. Relevant in daily life of Swiss citizens are Swiss and Swiss ; latter needs to presented upon request by a police officer, when driving a motor-vehicle as e. Swiss passport is needed only for e. Identity cards were first proposed in the mid-1980s for people attending football matches, following a series of high-profile incidents involving English football fans. Identity cards for British nationals were introduced in 2009 on a voluntary basis. Given that passports do not fit in a typical ormost people do not carry their passports in public without an advance that they are going to need them. Colloquially, in day-to-day life, most authorities do not ask for identification from individuals in a sudden, spot check type manner, such as by police or security guards, although this may become a concern in instances of. The first person to get identity card was former president of Moldova. Since then all the Moldovan citizens are required to have and use it inside the country. It can't be used to travel outside the country, however it is possible to pass so-called border with it. Internal passports are issued by the to all citizens who reach their 14th birthday and do not reside outside Russia. They are re-issued at the age 20 and 45. If the person does not have an internal passport i. Another exception is army conscripts, who produce the. Internal passports can also be used to travel to Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. It can be used for international travel toand instead of the passport. These documents are accepted by Serbia when id check as identification while crossing id check Serbia-Kosovo border. They can also be used for international travel to and. Every Ukrainian citizen aged 14 or above and permanently residing in Ukraine must possess an identity card issued by local authorities of the State Migration Service of Ukraine. Ukrainian identity cards are valid for 10 years or 4 years, if issued for citizens aged 14 but less than 18 and afterwards must be exchanged for a new document. Cards for males and females have a different color. The back shows marital status, religious affiliation, the region of the county of origin, and the date of issue of the card. On February 2, 2010 the European Court of Human Rights ruled in a 6 to 1 vote that the religious affiliation section of the Turkish identity card violated articles 6, 9, and 12 of the European Convention of Human Rights, to which Turkey is a signatory. The ruling should coerce id check Turkish government to completely omit religious affiliation on future identity cards. It can be used for international travel toand instead of a passport. New identity cards are fully and can be used as a bank card, bus ticket or at international trips. The is issued by the federal national government, and the provinces and territories issue various documents which can be used for identification purposes. The most commonly used forms of identification within Canada are the health card and issued by provincial and territorial governments. The widespread usage of these two documents for identification purposes has made them de facto identity cards. In Canada, a driver's license usually lists the name, home address, height and date of birth of the bearer. A photograph of the bearer is usually present, as well as additional information, such as restrictions to the bearer's driving licence. The bearer is required by law to keep the address up to date. British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Ontario are among the provinces that produce photo identification cards for individuals who do not possess a driving licence, with the cards containing the bearer's photo, home address, and date of birth. For travel abroad, a passport is almost always required. There are a few minor exceptions to this rule; required documentation to travel among North American countries is subject to thesuch as the and the programme implemented by a few provincial governments as a pilot project. These programmes have not yet gained widespread acceptance, and the Canadian passport remains the most useful and widely accepted international travel document. The card is named and it is issued by the local registrar's office Registro Civilan office belonging to the local elections committee Tribunal Supremo de Eleccioneswhich in Costa Rica has the same rank as the Supreme Court. Each card has a unique number composed of nine numerical digits, the first of them being the province where the citizen was born with other significance in special cases such as granted citizenship to foreigners, or in rare cases with old people where no was processed at birth ; after this digit, two blocks of four digits follow; the combination corresponds to the unique identifier of the citizen. It is widely requested as part of every legal and financial purpose, often requested at payment with or for identification guarantee and requested for buying beverages or cigarettes or upon entrance to adults-only places like bars. The card must be renewed every ten years and is freely issued again if lost. Among the information included there are, on the front, id check identification pictures and digitized signature of the owner, identification number known colloquially just as the cédulafirst name, first and second-last names and an optional known as field. On the back, there is again the identification number, birth date, where the citizen issues its vote for national elections or referendums, birthplace, gender, date when it must be renewed and a that includes all this information and even a digitized fingerprint of the thumb and index finger. The matrix code is not currently being used nor inspected by any kind of scanner. Foreigners that have taken permanent residence and have not yet applied for Dominican i. It is not based on a smartcard but on id check standard plastic card with two-dimensional bar-coded information with picture and signature. It is based on a smartcard with a chip and includes an electronic signature and several measures against fraud. It actually could be a printed green wallet-sized card without a photo or simply an 18-character identification key printed on a birth or death certificate. Foreign-born Mexican naturalized citizens must present their naturalization certificate. On July 28, 2009 Mexican President Felipe Calderón, facing the Mexican House of Representatives, announced the launch of the Mexican national Identity card project, which will see the first card issued before the end of 2009. For most people, issued by the respective and territorial governments have become the de facto identity cards, and are used for many identification purposes, such as when purchasing alcohol and tobacco, opening bank accounts, and boarding planes, along with confirming a voter's identity in states with initiatives. Individuals who do not drive are able to obtain an identification card with the same functions from the same state agency that issues driver's licenses. The United States passed a bill entitled the on May 11, 2005. The bill compels states to begin redesigning their driver's licenses to comply with federal security standards by December 2009. Federal agencies would reject licenses or identity cards that do not comply, which would force Americans accessing everything from airplanes to national parks and courthouses to have the federally mandated cards. At airports, those not having compliant licenses or cards would simply be redirected to a secondary screening location. Since February 1, 2008, U. Although their main purpose isthe passport card may also be accepted by federal authorities such as for domestic air travel or entering federal buildingswhich may make it an attractive option for people residing where state and I. Passport Card may be used in the Employment Eligibility Verification Form process. The basic document needed to establish a person's identity and citizenship in order to obtain a passport is a. They have become the de facto national identification number for federal and state taxation, private financial services, and identification with various companies. In this case, an applicant without a passport may sign an affidavit of citizenship or be required to present a birth certificate. They must still also submit their Social Security number. Utility bills or other pieces of official printed mail can also suffice for this purpose. In the case of voting, citizenship must also be proven with a passport, birth certificate, or signed citizenship affidavit. Receiving in-state tuition at a state's public college or university also requires proof of residency using one of the above methods. Ownership of property, proved by aalso immediately confers residency in most cases. Instead, various identity documents are used or required to prove a person's identity, whether for government or commercial purposes. Currently, andboth issued by theare the most widely used personal identification documents in Australia. Identification indicating age is commonly required to purchase alcohol and tobacco and to enter nightclubs and gambling venues. Other important identity documents include a passport, an official birth certificate, an official marriage certificate, cards issued by government agencies typically social security cardssome cards issued by commercial organisations e. They can id check be required for the purchase of spray paint and glues, and for some government and bank transactions. Forms of legal identification are New Zealand and overseas passports, New Zealand Driving Licences and 18+ cards from the Hospitality Association of New Zealand. Overseas driver's licenses may not be sufficient for the purchase of alcohol and tobacco. Firearms licences are a form of photo identification issued by the New Zealand Police. They are produced at a special plant by the Argentine national registry of people ReNaPer. The cards are needed to obtain a job, to vote, and to use credit cards. Upon turning 18 every resident must obtain awhich is the only document that proves the identity of a person for legal purposes. This is the only official form of identification for residents in Chile and is widely used and accepted as such. It is necessary for every contract, most bank transactions, voting, driving along with the driver's licence and other public and private situations. It is also required for and must be presented to authorities upon request. For Peruvians abroad, id check is provided through the Consulates of Peru, in accordance with Articles 26, 31 and 8 of Law No. The front of the card presents photographs of the holder's face, their name, date and place of birth the latter in coded formand ; the bottom quarter consists of text. Eight voting record blocks are successively covered with metallic labels when the citizen presents themselves at their voting group on voting days. The back also denotes whether the holder is anpresents the holder's right index finger print, a bar code, and a 1D. It is mandatory and essential for several steps at either governmental or private. The document is mandatory for all inhabitants of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, are native citizens, legal citizens or resident aliens in the country, even for children from 45 days old. On the reverse appears nationality, date of birth, date of issuing the document and the date it is due usually 10 years after the date of issue, even if issued after 70 years of age, lifetime and for the children is valid for five years. There is also the right thumbprint and observations if any. Identity cards are demanded widespread in all formal transactions, from credit card purchases to any identity validation, proof of age, and so on. Not to id check confused with the civic badge, which is used exclusively for voting in elections elections and plebiscites. Check Digit Calculation ' They take the 7 card numbers and multiply each by 2987634 one by one the first number by 2, the second id check 9 and so on, when each result exceeds one digit, the unit takes only. Another simple way to look at it as a scalar product of vectors in module 10. The first 7 digits of the card can be viewed as a vector of length 7. This vector is multiplied by the vector scalar obtaining a number N 8123476 The check digit is found to be N module 10. It also contains the documents expedition and expiration date. It can hardly be called a card. The laminated cover itself is very simplistic and quite large for the paper it covers and the photo, although is standard sized 3x3. Government officials in charge of issuing the document openly recommend each individual to cut the excess plastic off and re-laminate the document in order to protect it from bending. The requirements for getting a Venezuelan identity document are quite relaxed and Venezuela lacks high-security in its birth certificates and other documents that give claim to citizenship. Because one can get a Venezuelan passport and register to vote only by virtue of possessing a Venezuelan identity card and, since the Venezuelan government has been accused by the media and the opposition of naturalizing substantial numbers of foreigners for electoral purposes, many Venezuelans accused the government of a lack of a plan to ramp-up the security of the cédula de identidad along with other Venezuelan vital documents such as birth certificates as part of a strategy by the Chávez regime to continue the practice of naturalizing foreigners for electoral purposes. The government has announced that a new cédula de identidad will be available to all citizens somewhere around the first quarter of 2011. It resembles the analogous card that has been in place in the Venezuelan biometric passports since 2007. However, the release of this new card to the public has been delayed on several occasions and as of October 2018 there are no news as to when it will be available. Lawyers are bundling these services with packages, such as theto assist in protecting the assets of large estates. Caslon Analytics research, analysis and strategies consultancy. Archived from on January 26, 2008. As a German policeman once said, you are who your papers say you are. Take away those papers and you have no identity. Identification schemes - whether based on an individual's innate characteristics e. This region gives absolutely no genetic information about your race, medical history, or pre-disposition to a disease. Database Nation: The Death of Privacy in the 21st Century Paperback. When the technology was first introduced, scientists, lawyers, and civil libertarians argued over whether the underlying science was sound, and if the technology actually worked. Archived from on 2 May 2013. Archived from on August 21, 2007. Archived from on May 11, 2015. Archived from on March 6, 2012. Section 5 of the 2004 Act exempts a People whose applications for asylum are pending. Without a driving license and with a new credit card with no picture, Brit Thoresen must carry her passport to identify herself. id check International Conference on Information Technologies InfoTech-2007. Archived from on January 29, 2011. Archived from on June 16, 2012.

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But there are rules requiring it for services like banking, air travel and voting where personal recognition or other identification methods have not been possible. If you are a U. But as , although sometimes accepted, are not legally accepted forms of identification in Germany, people usually choose to carry their Personalausweis with them. The identity document is used to connect a person to information about the person, often in a. Along with Driving Licences, the National Registration Card including the old metal type is universally accepted as proof of identity in Zimbabwe. If one fails to comply, law enforcement officers are allowed to insist on personal identification at the police station. Foreigners that have taken permanent residence and have not yet applied for Dominican i. The back will list the numbers under which the holder is registered with the different bodies whose cards the Citizen's Card combines and replaces. Federal agencies would reject licenses or identity cards that do not comply, which would force Americans accessing everything from airplanes to national parks and courthouses to have the federally mandated cards.

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